Capacity planning and resource management in ingenious

In the ingenious capacity planning, the data from all orders are merged grouped by date. The single order positions are used to determine the quantities to be produced or the total times that allocate individual resources, such as machines, employees, vehicles, etc. Depending on the preconfigured maximum capacities of the respective resource, the determined values ​​are highlighted in order to signal an (impending) overload or idle. This allows the workload to be optimized within the scope of possible delivery times. Good planning ensures a smooth process flow and saves costs.

Details and functions of the capacity planning:

  • Overview of all orders and alarms in case of production overload
  • Postpone appointments / projects within set deadlines
  • Resource planning according to quantities or production times
  • Employee resource planning
  • Consideration of holidays and company holidays as well as personal downtime such as vacation and illness

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