Price info

With price info sales prices can fastly be calculated particularly for lengths and flat items and part lists without the creation of a quote, e.g. for just giving a price info on the telephone. In the price calculation all price depending parameters like measurements, options and variants are integrated.

When calculating a part list product (= product with variants) first the product configurator is opened to select the needed options.

The price info is started with button 


Product configurator for selection of the options for price calculation
Product configurator for selection of the options for price calculation


All relevant prices are shown (piece price, unit price, total price,…). Additionally a customer special price can be calculated by entering his matchcode (special prices have to be configured).

Also product texts are shown, that would be printed to customer documents.

When calculating a “simple” article the price overview is directly opened. The calculation for that is done with quantity, measurments and special prices when indicated.


Price info of a part list product
Price info of a part list product


For part list products also the summary respectively the base of the calculation can be displayed. Here is apparent, which parts are needed for this product and which surcharges are integrated in the calculation.


Part list of a configured product
Part list of a configured product


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